Chicken & Orzo Pasta Soup
Your family will love this Chicken Orzo Soup because it’s so simple to make and delicious. I make this soup every time my family has...
Your family will love this Chicken Orzo Soup because it’s so simple to make and delicious. I make this soup every time my family has...
The cool weather is here. Let the soup cooking start. This soup is a bowl of healthy eating. Just serve with some crusty bread and...
You can make a great healthy soup in just 15 minutes with this easy recipe. Enjoy! Ingredients: 2 packages of frozen tortellini soup mix (I...
Nothing is more comforting than a hearty bowl of soup in a snow storm! This soup cooked in 30 minutes so it’s an easy lunch...
This White Minestrone Soup is a bowl of comfort on a cold winter day. Serve the soup with crusty bread and dinner is served! If...
When I owned ran my deli/coffee shop I made soups every day so I had to come up with new soups for a change to...
Nothing says fall like hearty soups made with a thick rich broth made with fall harvest vegetables. I used 3 different kinds of squash from...
A perfect remedy for a Spring cold. This Chicken Noodle Soup will be ready in under 60 minutes. I used stars, but you can use...
When I owned a small restaurant for many years, I made home made soup for the customers every day. When I add up all the...
Watch me cooking Portuguese Kale Soup live on Mass AppealThanks to all of you for watching last Friday! Here’s the link to soup recipe. Prepping...