Welcome Spring Cobb Salad
Welcome Spring!! Enjoy!! Ingredients: Baby Spinach Green and Red Leaf Lettuce Tomatoes Sliced Turkey or Ham Shredded Carrots Chopped Cucumber Cubed Cheese Blue Cheese...
Welcome Spring!! Enjoy!! Ingredients: Baby Spinach Green and Red Leaf Lettuce Tomatoes Sliced Turkey or Ham Shredded Carrots Chopped Cucumber Cubed Cheese Blue Cheese...
You’ll love this easy recipe for deviled eggs with a kick! I was pleasantly surprised how quickly they disappeared so I’ll be making them more...
I’ve been making salads to make it feel like Summer. Look at the beautiful colors in this salad! It says Summer doesn’t it? Prepare the...
The first time I made these beef croquetes was on a Christmas Eve with my Godmother who taught me this recipe. She was...
This recipe makes a large pot of chili that can serve 10-12 people so you’ll have enough for the next day, or freeze it for...
Lupini beans – (Tremoços) are a good source of dietary fiber and protein and have many health benefits which you can read about here....
Cheer up your winter blues with a Scorpion Bowl Cooler & Chinese takeout! All you need to do is buy the chop sticks, paper plates...
I’m reinventing the Papo Seco! You’ll never waste any leftover Papo Secos again, once you make this easy recipe for Bruschetta; an antipasto from Italy...
When I serve Antipasti before diner, I make an easy and colorful presentation of cheeses and cured meats for my guests. What’s great about this...