The New Portuguese Table by David Leite

This new cook book by David Leite will inspire you to try the classic dishes and he also shares his own unique take on the originals.

His nostalgic trip back to his roots in Portugal will remind you of your own family’s traditions. As I prepared one of my favorite dishes,  “Cod Fish Cakes” , I became slightly teary eyed as I saw the vision of my dear mother standing beside me, and showing me, almost the identical recipe as his when I was about twelve so many years ago.

Don’t be afraid! Go back, explore your cultural roots and carry on the traditions of our Portuguese cuisine into the melting pot of what we call “America”.


Tia Maria

The New Portuguese Table by David Leite

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4 Responses

  1. Miranda says:

    Hi Tia Maria,
    Thanks so much for posting your Spicy Shrimp recipe! It was absolutely DELICIOUS!! I love portuguese food and I’m looking for a potato sidedish – can you give me any ideas? Thanks!!

  2. Tia Maria says:

    Hi Miranda,

    Portuguese Spicy Shrimp is everyone’s favorite and served at almost all Portuguese restaurants as an appetizer.
    I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as my family does.

    Look for my Punched Potato recipe tomorrow.
    Tia Maria

  3. Hey, absolutlty love the site and will definatley be coming back in the near future!

  4. Elvin says:

    Alright, I’ll come straight to the point. Have you come across ? I am making about $300-$980+ per day. Ignore all these other small shrimp here, they don’t know where the money is. Just hit me up on with my email when you register. I’ll help get started (keep this between us).

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