ORDER ON AMAZON: CLICK ON PICTURES My Oven Fried Chicken 🍗 is savory, easy, and delicious! You’ll never fry chicken again. Trust me. 😋Chicken Prep;10...
ORDER ON AMAZON: CLICK ON PICTURES My Oven Fried Chicken 🍗 is savory, easy, and delicious! You’ll never fry chicken again. Trust me. 😋Chicken Prep;10...
This Chicken is tender, juicy and full of flavor from the roasted onions and sweet potatoes. All you need is my spice mix, olive oil...
One bite of this chicken and you’ll taste the tangy lemony mouthwatering flavor. It’s simple to prepare and decadent enough to serve for your guests....
Pure Portuguese comfort food! Look at that color! Bring a taste of Portugal into kitchen table with one of the most popular dishes in Portuguese...
This one pot dish for any day of the week has always been a family favorite. It’s often requested and called; Portuguese Chicken and...
Why get take out when you can cure your Asian cravings at home with this easy recipe for chicken and broccoli. All you need is...
I make this dish very often because it’s simple to prepare and it cooks in one deep skillet on the stove top. The chicken comes...
Easy dinner in one hour! Portuguese Baked Chicken and Portuguese Punched Potatoes! Cooking can be easy. I promise! Enjoy! Ingredients: 2 small frying chickens (3...
I am so tired of Winter! I bet many of you are too. I was craving some Chicken Piri Piri so I made this...
Lemon Rosemary Chicken is typically not a Portuguese dish, but I add paprika to give it a smoky flavor and a beautiful golden crust! I...