Portuguese French Toast – Rabanadas do Minho


Rabanadas are Portuguese French Toast with a twist. Rabanadas do Minho are made with a twist by adding a warm wine and honey syrup over the cooked French Toast for a robust sweet wine flavor.



1 large loaf of crusty bread; French, Italian or Portuguese

1 1/3 cups of granulated sugar

1 tbsp butter or margarine

1 stick of cinnamon

1 piece of lemon peel

2 egg yolks

2 eggs

5 glasses of Portuguese Red wine, or Vinho Verde Red

1 cup of Honey

1 tsp of powdered cinnamon

1 1/3 cup of water

Oil for frying



Slice the bread into (1 inch) slices.

In a saucepan, heat the sugar and 1 1/3 cups of water, butter, lemon peel, cinnamon stick and a dash of salt. Cook on medium heat for 5 minutes and remove from heat. 

Soak each slice of bread in the sugar mixture, remove and place in a strainer to remove excess liquid. Set aside.

Beat the yolks and eggs until foamy. Heat the oil in 1/4 inch depth in a large skillet on medium. Dip each slice of bread into the egg mixture shaking off any excess egg.

Place the bread slices in the oil and cook for a few  minutes on each side until golden brown.

As each slice cooks place it on paper towels to drain and then onto a serving tray.  Coat each slice with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.

In a separate pan heat the wine, honey, powdered cinnamon until it comes to a boil.

Gently, pour the hot wine syrup over each slice turning them over to coat each side.

Serve warm or at room temperature. Store in the refrigerator.


Rabanadas Recipe in Portuguese:


1 pão de cacete de 500 g

300 g de açúcar

1 colher de sopa de manteiga

1 pau de canela

1 casca de limão

2 gemas

2 ovos

7,5 dl de vinho tinto verde ou maduro

250 g de mel

1 colher de sobremesa de canela em pó

óleo para fritar


Corta-se o cacete em fatias com cerca de 1 cm de espessura.

Leva-se ao lume o açúcar com 2 dl de água, a manteiga, o pau de canela, a casca de limão e uma pitada de sal. Deixa-se ferver durante 5 minutos.

Retira-se do lume e introduzem-se as fatias de pão na calda bem quente.

Escorrem-se sobre uma peneira ou passador.

Em seguida, passam-se as fatias pelas gemas batidas com os ovos inteiros e alouram-se em óleo quente. À medida que se vão fritando as rabanadas, põem-se

numa travessa funda e polvilham-se com açúcar e canela.

À parte, mistura-se o vinho tinto com o mel, a canela em pó e, se o vinho for verde ou agreste, açúcar. Leva-se ao lume só para levantar fervura e deita-se

sobre as rabanadas. Viram-se com cuidado para não se partirem.


Photo & recipe credit: http://receitas-culinaria.pt/rabanadas-tradicionais-do-minho-e-douro/

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1 Response

  1. February 18, 2014

    […] Rabanadas do Minho , a different version of this famous classic originating in the lush Douro Wine region of Minho, are coated in a warm wine and honey syrup before serving. […]

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