Portuguese Almond Tart – Tarte de Amêndoa


Here’s an easy dessert to make for your Valentine!  I’ve posted the recipe both in English and Portuguese.

It took me a while to translate the recipe.

This is my Valentine’s gift to all of you! Enjoy!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Ingredients for crust:

1/4 cup of Granulated Sugar

1 egg

1/4 cup Butter

1 cup flour

1/2 tsp Baking Powder


Ingredients for Almond Filling:

1 1/4 cup Honey Roasted Almonds

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter

2 oz of whole Milk



Step 1:

In a small bowl mix the egg and sugar until creamy. Add the butter,  flour and the baking powder and mix well

Mold the mixture into the bottom of a greased 10 inch tart pan. Cook for 10 min at 350 degrees and set aside.

Step 2 : Meanwhile make the filling.

Place all filling ingredients in a saucepan and cook for 5 minutes until creamy. Pour the filling on top of the crust and bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown.

I suggest serving the tart with some Strawberries and Champagne!


In Portuguese

Para a massa:
50g de açúcar
1 ovo
50g de manteiga
125g de farinha
1/2 colher chá de fermento

Para o recheio:
150g de amendoins tostados em mel (ou amêndoa laminada)
110g de açúcar
110g de manteiga
60g de leite


Misture o ovo e o açúcar e bata bem.
Junte a farinha, a manteiga e o fermento.
Forre uma tarteira com a massa e leve ao forno pré-aquecido a 180º, enquanto prepara o recheio.

Entretanto prepara-se o recheio: leve ao lume numa caçarola os amendoins, a manteiga, o açúcar e o leite e deixe ferver durante 5 minutos.
Espalhe o recheio em cima da massa e leve ao forno novamente até alourar.

Thanks to this site for the recipe:


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