Banana Cake with Cinnamon Sugar – Bolo de Banana com Açúcar e Canela




This warm banana bread is irresistible! The recipe for this batter is very light and fluffy, with a touch of sugar and cinnamon. FYI, did you know that the word “banana” originates from the Portuguese word “banana”?

This recipe is shared from a fan of Tia Maria’s Blog!

Thanks Mary! I’ve posted the recipe in both English and Portuguese as shared by Mary. Enjoy!

Um bolo de banana quentinho… hum irresistível! A receita dessa massa é muito levinha e fofinha e leva um toque de açúcar com canela. Prepare essa delícia!

Recipe by: Mary Connie De Pao


3 eggs – 3 ovos (separated)
1/2 cup orange juice – ½ xícara (chá) de suco de laranja
1 and 1/2 cups of sugar – 1 e ½ xícara (chá) de açúcar
1/2  cup vegetable oil – ½ xícara (chá) de óleo
2 cups sifted flour – 2 xícaras (chá) farinha de trigo peneirada
1 tablespoon baking powder – 1 colher (sopa) fermento químico em pó
2 large ripe bananas – 2 bananas ( grandes) nanica madura
Sugar and cinnamon for topping – (1/4 cup sugar + 2 tsp cinnamon)  Açúcar e Canela para decorar


1. Beat the egg yolks, orange juice, sugar and the oil in a blender or kitchenaid mixer.

1- No liquidificador bata as gemas, o suco de laranja, o açúcar, o óleo.

2. Cut the bananas lengthwise into thin strips and reserve for later.

2- Corte as bananas no sentido de seu comprimento, em fatias bem finas. Reserve.

3. Place the egg and sugar mixture into a large bowl and add the flour a little at a time mixing well.

3- Passe a mistura para uma tigela e adicione a farinha aos poucos.

4. Add the baking powder and mix well.

4- Acrescente o fermento em pó e misture.

5. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites to form stiff peaks.

5- Em outra tigela bata as claras em neve.

6. Gently fold the egg whites into the batter until mixed.

6- Coloque delicadamente as claras na massa de bolo e misture.

7. Pour the batter into a greased and lightly floured bundt pan.

7- Despeje a massa em uma forma untada e polvilhada com farinha de trigo.

8. Place the banana slices over the entire top of the cake batter.

8- Em cima da massa adicione as fatias de banana cobrindo toda a superfície do bolo.

9. Make a mixture of sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle 1/2 of mixture over the banana cake.

9- Faça uma misturinha de açúcar e canela e salpique em cima do bolo de banana.

10. Bake in pre heated oven at 350 degrees F. for approximately 45 minutes until golden.

10- Leve ao forno pré-aquecido 180° por aproximadamente 45 min ou até que esteja dourado.

11. Sprinkle on the rest of sugar and cinnamon and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

11. Salpique o resto de açúcar e canela em cima do bolo e leve of forno por aproximadamente 5 -10 min.

12. Let cool slightly and remove cake.

12.  Deixe esfriar um pouquinho e desenforme.

12. Serve

12- Sirva a seguir.

Note: Mary doubled the recipe for an extra large cake!

Bottom image by: Mary Connie De Pao

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