Fried Green Tomatoes


It’s September, and I still have tomatoes in my garden. They won’t be growing anymore and are slowly ripening on the vines. I decided to harvest them all and just let them ripen in my kitchen.

I made fried green tomatoes for the first time and my family loved them. Not sure if you’ve ever tried them, but they taste a little bit like sour pickles. So if you like fried pickles. you’ll love these.

DSC05876They are really meaty with very little seeds.



4 green tomatoes (cut into 1/2 inch slices)

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon paprika

2 eggs (beaten)

1/2 cup milk

1 cup flour

1/2  cup flavored bread crumbs

1/2  cup corn meal (finely ground)

oil for frying


Season the tomatoes with salt, pepper, and paprika, dredge in flour and set aside. Beat the egg and milk in a small bowl. Mix the corn mean with the bread crumbs in a separate bowl.

Coat the slices in the egg and milk mix, and then dredge in the breadcrumbs.

Heat oil and test by dipping a tip of one tomato slice into oil. If the oil sizzles, the oil is ready. Fry tomatoes turning over on each side as they cook to a golden brown.

Place on paper towels to absorb grease.


DSC05884What a beautiful color!

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