Sun Dried Tomatoes in Portuguese Olive Oil

DSC05870 I had a very bountiful tomato harvest this year so I had to use the tomatoes in many different recipes. These sun dried tomatoes came out perfect! This was the first time I made the recipe and I was pleasantly surprised at the results. These tomatoes last up to 1 – 2 months in the refrigerator and are great on pizza, bruschetta, served on toast or crackers as appetizers, as a garnish or as an add on to sauces and soups!



Ripe tomatoes (3 pounds or more)

(small red tomatoes sliced in half and seeded, or thin sliced larger tomatoes mostly seeds removed)

Sea Salt

Portuguese Virgin Olive Oil (2 cups or more)

Garlic (about 8 cloves or more)

Basil (optional)

sundried tomato
Preheat oven to 200 degrees F. Place the tomatoes slices and haves on lightly greased baking sheet. Sprinkle with a little drizzle of olive oil and salt.

Cook for about 6-10 hours depending on how much moisture your tomatoes have. Check after the 6 hours to see it they are dried.

While the tomatoes dry, mix 1 cup olive oil with the garlic and cook on low heat for about 5 minutes or until the oil is infused with the garlic and let cool. Chop basil if desired and add to the olive oil and garlic blend.


When tomatoes are done, let cool and mix in the olive oil blend. Place the tomatoes into very clean mason jars or clean lidded jars. Add more olive oil to cover and store in the refrigerator.

They’ll stay edible for up 1 month in the oil. Check for signs of mold or a rancid smell before using them. If you find mold discard them.

If you find the oil has thickened and turned a whitish color, just remove your desired amount of tomatoes and let the oil reach room temperature for about 30 minutes.  It will thin out. DSC05869

Try my brushcetta recipe:

Bruschetta Portuguesa prep



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