Seafood Stuffed Mushrooms
This stuffed mushroom recipe is perfect for a special occasion appetizer. It’s deliciously decadent, and full of flavor. The mushrooms come out moist, and the...
This stuffed mushroom recipe is perfect for a special occasion appetizer. It’s deliciously decadent, and full of flavor. The mushrooms come out moist, and the...
Chouriço Bombeiro This appetizer creates a memorable cooking experience for your guests. The flaming chouriço creates a crispy browned skin and savory flavor. Chourico sausage...
It’s become a tradition of mine to make Polish Golumpki every September during the harvest season in New England. Visiting the local farm stands you’ll...
Grellos (Broccoli Rabe) with Presunto Ingredients: 1 bunch of fresh Broccoli Rabe 1/4 cup of minced onion 3 slices of chopped presunto 1/4 cup of...
Many of you may of never eaten Octopus, but believe me it’s delicious! I find the taste similar to lobster but the meat is a...
Bacon Wrapped Scallops Ingredients: 8 large fresh Sea Scallops 4 slices of thick cut bacon Instructions: Slice bacon strips in half and cook in...
Big……..A$$……I mean the meatballs of course!…This recipe’s name is a family – running joke every time I make them! These meatballs are low in fat...
Shrimp & Pork Dumplings! This is an easy recipe for all your parties! You will never order dumplings out again once you try this easy...
Part 1: The Ultimate User’s Guide to Portuguese Cheese | Catavino. July 20, 2009 | by Andrea Smith Part 2. The Ultimate Guide to Portuguese...
Happy New Year 2014 to all my fans and supporters of Tia Maria’s Blog! This recipe for Lobster Maria, Baked Scallops wrapped in Bacon and...