Zucchini and Potato Omelet

Just when you thought you’d had enough zucchini recipe here’s one more!

This is what happens when you miss a few zucchini’s overgrowing in your garden.

They look like baseball bats and remind me of the baby on the Flintstones named “Bam Bam”, who carried around a big club shaped like these.

This omelet is simple to make in just 5 minutes! I used leftover Portuguese Roasted Potatoes from last night’s dinner but you can use only zucchini and cheese if you prefer.

Serves 1-2


1 medium zucchini (thinly sliced)

1 cup of cubed cooked potatoes

3 eggs

1 tablespoon of olive oil

Shredded cheese

Salt and pepper to taste


Saute the zucchini with the potatoes in a medium skillet with the olive oil for about 4 minutes until the zucchini is slightly cooked while stirring it often.

Add the beaten eggs and let them cook for about 1 minute. Gently loosen the omelet on the sides so it doesn’t stick. After another minute, cover the skillet with a large plate and invert the omelet back into the pan uncooked side down.

Turn off the burner. Add the cheese and cover for another minute. The omelet will finish cooking and the cheese will melt. Add salt and pepper to your taste. Enjoy!


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