Portuguese in California Documentary

The Portuguese in California Documentary is a premier showcase of the Portuguese Diaspora experience in the rich history of the development of California offers the viewer a comprehensive historical overview of this unique and vibrant ethnic population. Each episode presents a complete subject area as a standalone program. The series captures the full essence of the Portuguese contribution to the California of today. (http://www.portugueseincalifornia.com/)

Order your copy at this link so you learn about and share the history of the Portuguese community in California.

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Here are the episodes featured:

EP1. Coming to America

In the early 15th century the first European set foot in California. He was Portuguese. Three centuries later, in the early 1800’s, immigrants from the Azores Islands faced the oceans for months looking for a better life in this new world. These are their stories.


EP2. The Early Days Part 1

In the early 1900’s Whaling, Gold Mining and Homesteading brought the Portuguese to California. Driven by their sense of community, fierce work ethic and strong family values these were the immigrants that formed the first Portuguese Organizations in America.


Ep3.The Early Days Part 2

Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and the appeal of a better life spawned the largest wave of Portuguese to California.  Travel with us through  the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s and experience the “Glory days” of this unique ethnic group.


Ep4. The South

Actors, artists and musicians. Whalers, fisherman and entrepreneurs.

From Hollywood hills to San Diego beaches. Discover their impressive history, success and the importance of the Portuguese culture in their lives.


Ep 5. The San Francisco Bay Area

The Silicon Valley is home to world leading technology and innovation. It’s also home to one of the largest concentration of Portuguese and Luso Descendants. Learn how the Portuguese community influenced culture, society and technology.


Ep 6. The San Joaquin Valley

The Portuguese are pioneers in California’s Agro business. Meet the leaders in the industry and their success stories. From sweet potatoes, and dairy’s to bullfighting. Portuguese have been the backbone of California’s small agricultural communities for over a century.


Ep 7. The North

From the Capital of California to the Napa Valley, the Portuguese have always had a strong presence in the Golden State. This episode presents California’s most relevant Portuguese winemakers and powerful political and civic leaders.


Ep 8. Culture/The Future

Tradition, culture, food, education and the arts are an integral part of the Portuguese spirit. In this final episode we reflect on the past witness the present and look into the future Portuguese diaspora of nearly one million.



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