Pasteis de Gila

Pasteis de Gila- Puff Pastry is made using a sweet jam filling made from the fiber of the spaghetti squash. You can make the jelly at home, or you can buy it in jars already made for you. Watch the video below for the demonstration of how to cook the squash! Enjoy!

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Puff pastry sheets (get them at your local bakery or use Pepperidge Farm)
1 beaten egg
1 teaspoon water
Powdered Sugar
Assemble Pastry:
Cut the defrosted but very cold pastry sheets into 3 x 6 inch rectangles. Place 2 teaspoons of the Gila into the center and fold the dough over forming a square. Pinch the sides of the pastry together. Beat the egg with the water and brush the tops of the pastry. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper, and place the pastries 2 inches apart on the sheet. Cook at 375  degrees for about 15 minutes or until lightly golden brown and cooked through.
Let cool and Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired and serve. Enjoy!
Ingredients for Gila:
1 spaghetti squash about 2 pounds
2 cups water
1 pound sugar
1 cinnamon stick
1 piece of lemon peel


Break the squash on the ground and break it up into pieces. Wash the squash, remove the seeds using you fingers. Place in a large pan and boil until the the skin falls apart from the fibers.

Drain the squash and place into an ice bath to cool. Separate any skin or seeds and discard them. Drain the remaining fibrous flesh and separate into threads. Rinse in cold water, drain and let it continue draining in colander for about 10 minutes.


Cook the sugar and water in a medium pan until the sugar begins to thicken. Add the squash, cinnamon and lemon and cook for about 10 minutes until the squash mixture becomes very thick. Remove from pan and cool completely before storing in the refrigerator.

Watch this video for a demonstration on how to cook the gila:

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