Compota de Figo com Vinho do Porto | Fig Jam with Port Wine

I’ve had many requests for Fig Jam so here’s a recipe for you in both English and Portuguese. I have never made fig jam because figs are hard to find in my town. I hope you enjoy the recipe and let me know how it turns out!

Recipe from Receitas de Portugal:

Find more jams, compotes, and jelly recipes here on their Facebook Page in Portuguese:

English Version:


1 and 1/2 pounds of figs

1 and 1/2 cups of granulated sugar

1 cup of Port wine

1 stick of cinnamon

1 slice of lemon zest


Wash and dry the figs and cut into quarter pieces. Place the figs into a heavy pan and add the sugar, wine, cinnamon stick and lemon zest.

Let come to a boil and reduce heat to simmer. Stir once in a while as it cooks to a thick constituency. You should be able to make a clear line in the bottom of the pan with your spoon. Remove the lemon zest and cinnamon. Let cool slightly and place into sterilized jars. Flip the jars over for storing. This will create a natural seal for preserving the jam longer. Store in refrigerator.

Portuguese Version:

Bom Apetite!

700 g de figos maduros
300 g de açúcar
1 chávena de café de vinho do porto
Casca de meio limão
1 pau de canela

PREPARAÇÃO – Tradicional:
Lave os figos, corte-os em quartos;
Coloque-os num tacho, adicione o açúcar, o vinho do porto, o pau de canela e a casca do limão;
Depois de levantar fervura, baixe o lume e deixe cozinhar lentamente mexendo de vez em quando para não pegar;
Quando estiver em ponto estrada ( quando depois de colocar um pouco de doce num prato e lhe passar a colher, se formar uma estrada);
Retire o pau de canela e as cascas do limão, coloque a compota em frascos esterilizados, feche os frascos e vire-os com a tampa para baixo – isto ajuda a criar um vácuo natural e ajuda a conservar o doce mais tempo.



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